16 de octubre de 2011


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I just got annoyed because of something I was thinking about. I decided to write this in english, breaking my own rules. If you, my reader, know me well, you should know I've always tried to be understood by every reader I get, avoiding tricky or not-so-well-known words and writing on my native language, spanish. You should know spanish is, after chinese, the second most known and spoken language in the world. Don't trust me, trust numbers. Moreover, it's my country's primary language and my mother tongue (it's such a strange term, huh?), and if I use another one of those I know, even english, I'd blocking free spreading of my own ideas, making some spanish speakers (in particular, those ones without any knowledge of any other language I may speak and surely they're not interested in learning AND KNOWING I SPEAK) unable to understand them unless they use a tool as Google Translate, which is still unefficient for translating any language, even spanish. Am I ruling english speakers out too, with my only-spanish-writings politics? Search the meanings of "majority" and "priorities" and let's chat. 

"A message for handsome people: The very bulk of us are ugly. Don't annoy us." Source:  http://bit.ly/q6PVMN
The reason why I'm writing this post in english is the same that makes me write all my other posts in spanish: I want SOME people to catch my point. I'm putting on that barrier I always tried to take off on my tweets and posts. This will be a selective post.

Once, somebody accused me of being an envious person. The only thing I could do then was laughing. Surely, this person don't know me. And even if she (yup, it's a "she") knew me, she would say that anyway. Viva la ignorancia.

As Jamar Malik (though, absolutely, I've been luckier than him), I've learnt the answers of so many questions because of casualities (yes, I do believe on casualities), not because of years of researching. I've always been honest with myself, so I know my skills and my weak points. I don't let anyone give me any useless "good" advice. My feedback is always agressive, as it should. If that review was true, there was no need to do it: I ALREADY KNOW THE ISSUE (and if I know it, be sure I'm already working on it, because I'm always looking for perfection). If it was false... Well, things like this post happen.

I believe envy is the denial of God's love (and, being that the biggest love anyone can find, is the denial of any kind of love). Yup, I believe in God, and his son taught us that true love is the one which leads to the best thing for our neighbor. Envy is the resentful feeling against somebody else's possessions, qualities or luck, and the eventual desire of getting it. Then, envy and love are not compatible, but opposites. Nobody can feel both things at the same time, and I feel absolutely able for love. Envy isn't even compatible with knowledge. I LOVE and always try to get knowledge. I share my little bit of knowledge with everyone I know. I don't believe any person who respects and stands up for the idea of knowledge for everyone could be an envious person. Absolutely no.

This happens because we CARE. Source: MOPS http://bit.ly/n6wBA1

It's true I'm not the prettiest woman in the world. I'm not what most of western men would choose as a girlfriend or a wife. However, I do have some advantages over another women. My eyes are brown, so I don't need extra sun care. My eyes don't get red because of a sunny day or any other shiny light. When I blush, cry or go to bed too late, my eyes don't clash with my skin, which DO happens with people with gray, green or blue eyes. When they shine, my eyes look deep and nice, not white. My skin is golden. Not white, not brown. Golden. I won't look pale if I can't tan. I won't look like a shrimp or a sack of coal if I do. I don't use to blush or sweat. My nose isn't perfect, but I don't snore at night. I always smell good. My hair is straight, so I don't look mad if I can't brush it. If I can't color it again for any reason, I can use my natural hair: is really nice and unique. It's not on sale (I didn't say that, I'm not that narcissist: a colorist, mom's friend, did). My lips and teeth are cute. I don't have a vedette's body, but that's OK. My breasts let me sleep on a freefall position and use any t-shirt I want without looking like a whore. Nobody hits my buttocks in the street or the bus. I can use skirts without looking like Spongebob Squarepants. Why should I be jealous?

I love me SO much!
Somebody once tried to flirt with my then-boyfriend. Well, he made a bad choice when he decided to follow her game. Nobody plays with me, so I quit. I can't stand sneaky people, so I began bullying her. Jealousy? Why should I feel it? No, there is a better explanation:

"Mi conciencia es la tranquilidad en pasta, por eso soy yo el que siempre tira la primera piedra."   -Andrés Caicedo

It's obvious that whore can't do anything well. That happened on february. It's october, and I still get his entreaties to "come home". I'm still wondering if he thinks I'm crazy. Haha.

Well, that little bitch says I'm an envious person. Meanwhile, she uses my ideas, expressions and fillers without my permission and creates fake accounts to insult every single thing about me and denies it in public to look good (¡Vivan los cristianos protestantes y su gran puta solapadez!). While she keeps saying her "absent" envy can't feed my ego, I see this Twitter account, made on march 2011, with lots of spelling mistakes and stolen tweets without any complain about the stolen idea, and I'm going to bed with a clean consciousness. Me, jealous? Are you fucking serious?

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